Instant Viewer with Microsoft Presenter 8000 Mouse rocks!

2 02 2008

Everyone likes the Apple Mac’s Expose feature and wondered why Vista didn’t bring it on along with Windows Flip 3D ๐Ÿ˜€

Well, today I found a function with my Microsoft Notebook Presenter 8000 Mouse that there is a function called Instant Viewer that does the same thing and you can bind any one of the mouse buttons to it (Thanks to David ๐Ÿ˜‰ )! It works great and looks great! Wonder why this isn’t present by default in Windows Vista ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Here is a screenshot,

(Click for full view)


Fake Steve Jobs Revealed !

6 08 2007

At last the Game ends ! Thanks to Daniel Lyons for entertaining us for a long time ๐Ÿ™‚

From Here

The mysterious writer has used his blog, the Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, to lampoon Mr. Jobs and his reputation as a difficult and egotistical leader, as well as to skewer other high-tech companies, tech journalists, venture capitalists, open-source software fanatics and Silicon Valleyโ€™s overall aura of excess.

โ€œIโ€™m stunned that itโ€™s taken this long,โ€ said Mr. Lyons, 46, when a reporter interrupted his vacation in Maine on Sunday to ask him about Fake Steve. โ€œI have not been that good at keeping it a secret. Iโ€™ve been sort of waiting for this call for months.โ€

A Closer look at Apple iPhone

2 06 2007

Steve Jobs on CNBC

2 06 2007