
13 07 2008

Its really hard to summarize what is NDepend in few words as this tool does a lot and its really useful when you have a big project and had to do code analysis, code usage, code metrics etc., etc., So, to make things simpler, lets take what their website says 🙂

NDepend is a tool that simplifies managing a complex .NET code base. Architects and developers can analyze code structure, specify design rules, plan massive refactoring, do effective code reviews and master evolution by comparing different versions of the code.

With NDepend you can analyse a set of .NET assemblies and that was the first step for me in using NDepend. Another highlight of NDepend is that you can use Code Queries to query to analyse and get results. More on Code Query Language here.

Here is a small screencast on NDepend introduction from me. Its in .swf format and just open it in your browser 🙂

Screencast on Repository Factory

16 10 2007

The Repository Factory is a guidance package that automates creation of entity classes that map to database tables and repository classes to read and write those entity classes. The generated code removes the tedium of writing a persistence-ignorant domain model.

You could get more information, discuss and download the Repository Factory here

Some Tips on Vista UAC

29 08 2007

Here is my screencast on few tips on Vista UAC  🙂

My Vista Desktop

9 07 2007

Few days back I did a screencast of my Vista Desktop with my new Dell laptop and it gives an introduction to Vista Desktop.

Thought I can share with you 🙂

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