Random Post : LINQ to XML

14 07 2008

Thought of refreshing my LINQ to XML skills and here is the outcome – another blog post today! 8)

Here is our sample XML file (never mind where it came from or why it is complex)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

I am going to query each element (as listed below) and display their values

  • Persons_Current_Name
  • Persons_Name_At_Birth, and
  • DateOfBirth

Our first step would be to load this XML file. We can make use of XDocument to load the whole XML file.

XDocument mainXMLDoc
         = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");

To start with, let us traverse all the nodes and display their values

//Traversing the whole XML
Console.WriteLine("XML Traverse");
foreach (XElement xelement in
    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {0}",
              xelement.Name, xelement.Value);

Looks simple, isn’t it πŸ™‚

Next, let us get the value of Persons_Current_Name. I already have a class called Name, which is shown below:

public class Name
    public String Surname { get; set; }
    public String GivenName { get; set; }

How do we directly query Persons_Current_Name element? Below is the very straight forward (ugly) code πŸ˜€

//Persons Current Name
// The Ugly Way
XElement current_name =
Name persons_current_name = new Name
             Surname =
             GivenName =

Well, I really don’t like to code this way. Do we have any another option? Yes, we do! 8)

//Persons Current Name
// The Neat Way
Name persons_current_name =
    (from c in mainXMLDoc.Descendants()
     where c.Name == "Persons_Current_Name"
     select new Name
                 Surname =
                 GivenName =

The above code certainly looks better than our previous code πŸ™‚

Similarly for DateOfBirth,

//Date of Birth
String[] strDob =
    (from c in mainXMLDoc.Descendants()
     where c.Name == "DateOfBirth"
     select c.Value).FirstOrDefault().Split('-');
DateTime dob = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(strDob[0]),

All looks good, but wait! What to do if I have my XML in string format ? How do I load it? Dont panic, you can use the same XDocument to load the XML in the string format πŸ™‚

XDocument mainXMLDoc =



3 responses

3 09 2010


3 09 2010


18 06 2011

sorry, did not work, had an exception with the date format.

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