Yoper RC1 Released

19 05 2007

The Yoper team, together with lead-developer Tobias Gerschner, are
proud to announce the first release candidate of Yoper GNU/Linux 3.0,
codename ‘Ilmenite’.

This release candidate is available in 3 fashions as a slim CD of
approx 146 MB. A regular CD version ( 680 MB ) and a live CD of 700
MB. A DVD version will not be released at this point, but will be
available for the final release. The final release date depends on the
feedback we get from this release candidate.

This release ships with Kernel including the ck-patchset,
Xorg 7.2, KDE 3.5.6, Koffice, Firefox and lots of other
cutting-edge packages. The focus was completely on bug fixing and
improving usability.

The full announcement can be found here together with a summarized changelog.

To get to know which to download Slim or CD or DVD or Live, please have a look here

The release can be downloaded from the following locations :



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